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Apple Mac StorageApple Compliant Storage Appliance

The Broadberry CyberStore Mac range of storage appliances the support Apple Talk Protocol, as well as SMB or NFS shares resulting in the vast majority of Apple Mac environments being supported.

Our range of CyberStore Mac DAS storage servers include 1U applances with 4 drive bays, 2U 8 and 12 bay appliance, 3U 16 drive bay and 4U, 24, and 36 drive bay Apple Mac storage appliances.

These appliances can also be added to via the external JBOD systems providing high density, low-cost storage for Apple Mac. If the rack mounted range of CyberStore Mac storage solutions are not suitable we also offer tower solutions which are quiet enough to be used in an office environment.

With the ever increasing requirement for Apple Mac storage in the working environment, Broadberry CyberStore Mac storage solutions are available in both high performance storage and high capacity or a combination of both.

The CyberStore Mac range of appliance also support replication and failover. The failover can either be Active/Passive or Active /Active, depending on the protocol used, the Broadberry Cyberstore Apple Mac storage appliances not only have the redundancy built into the individual AppleMac Storage appliance such as fully redundant PSUs, Raid options such as raid 10, 5 + hotspare and Raid6 but the option to replicate to another storage appliance at a secondary location. The ability then to failover if and when the primary node has failed to the secondary node at the alternative location. So the Broadberry Cyberstore Solution offers fully redundant high capacity storage for the Apple Mac environment.

Apple Mac Compatible Storage is available in 10, 20, 30, 40 to 100s of Terabytes and with the use of high density disc and the standard server components Apple Mac storage is available at a really cost effective price with the option of a fully redundant replicated H/A Cluster.

Apple Mac compatible Direct Attached Storage (DAS)

Direct Attached is the simplest way to add storage to your Apple Mac environment.

The kit consists of a Apple Macintosh compliant JBOD and a Apple Mac raid card supporting up to 128 devices so with a 45 bay JBOD supporting 4TB HDDs (180 TB) we can add an additional 2 complete JBODs to the one AppleMac raid controller giving an storage capacity of half a pedabyte of Apple Mac storage per AppleMac storage raid controller.

If half a Pedabyte is not enough we can add an additional AppleMac raid car into the host and in theory double / triple the amount of storage on the one device.
The storage is available from 6TB -180 TB of RAW AppleMac storage per DAS / JBOD.

Compatible With All Leading Operating Systems

Compatible with all major operating systems, the CyberStore range of open storage servers can be pre-configured with these storage operating systems.

Configure your CyberStore storage appliance with a wide range of open-source operating systems for an enterprise-grade, cost-effective storage solution.

The Broadberry CyberStore range of unified storage servers support all major file systems for maximum compatibility.



The Broadberry CyberStore range of unified storage servers are completely compatible with leading database engines.

Rufen Sie jetzt einen Broadberry Storage- & Server-Spezialisten an: +49 89 1208 5600

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Our range of CyberStore Mac DAS storage servers include 1U applances with 4 drive bays, 2U 8 and 12 bay appliance, 3U 16 drive bay and 4U, 24, and 36 drive bay Apple Mac storage appliances.

Our Apple Mac compatible storage appliances can also be added to via the external JBOD systems providing high density, low-cost storage for Apple Mac. If the rack mounted range of CyberStore Mac storage solutions are not suitable we also offer tower solutions which are quiet enough to be used in an office environment.

With the ever increasing requirement for Apple Mac storage in the working environment, Broadberry CyberStore Mac storage solutions are available in both high performance storage and high capacity or a combination of both.

The CyberStore Mac range of appliance also support replication and failover. The failover can either be Active/Passive or Active /Active, depending on the protocol used, the Broadberry Cyberstore Apple Mac storage appliances not only have the redundancy built into the individual AppleMac Storage appliance such as fully redundant PSUs, Raid options such as raid 10, 5 + hotspare  and  Raid6  but the option to replicate to another storage appliance at a secondary location.  The ability then to failover if and when the primary node has failed to the secondary node at the alternative location.  So the Broadberry Cyberstore Solution offers fully redundant high capacity storage for the Apple Mac environment.

Apple Mac Compatible Storage is available in 10, 20, 30, 40 to 100s of Terabytes and with the use of high density disc and the standard server components Apple Mac storage is available at a really cost effective price with the option of a fully redundant replicated H/A Cluster.

Apple Mac compatible Direct Attached Storage (DAS)

Direct Attached is the simplest way to add storage to your Apple Mac environment.

The kit consists of a Apple Macintosh compliant JBOD and a Apple Mac raid card supporting up to 128 devices so with a 45 bay JBOD supporting 4TB HDDs  (180 TB) we can add an additional  2 complete JBODs  to the one AppleMac raid controller giving an storage capacity of half a pedabyte of  Apple Mac storage per AppleMac storage raid controller.

If half a Pedabyte is not enough we can add an additional AppleMac raid car into the host and in theory double / triple the amount of storage on the one device.
The storage is available from 6TB -180 TB of RAW AppleMac storage per DAS / JBOD.

Apple, the Apple logo, iMac, Mac, and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Unser präzises Testing

Alle Broadberry Server- und Storage-Lösungen durchlaufen vor dem Versand aus unserem Lagerhaus einen 48-stündigen Testlauf. In Kombination mit diesem Prüfverfahren sowie den hochqualitativen, branchenführenden Komponenten stellen wir sicher, dass all unsere Server- und Storage-Lösungen den strengsten Qualitätsrichtlinien entsprechen, die an uns gestellt werden.

Unübertroffene Flexibilität

Unser Hauptziel ist es, hochwertige Server- und Speicherlösungen zu einem hervorragenden Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis anzubieten. Wir wissen, dass jedes Unternehmen unterschiedliche Anforderungen hat, und sind daher in der Lage, unübertroffene Flexibilität bei der Gestaltung maßgeschneiderter Server- und Speicherlösungen anzubieten, um die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zu erfüllen.

Vertrauen der weltweit größten Marken

Wir haben uns als einer der größten Storageanbieter im Vereinigten Königreich etabliert und beliefern seit 1989 die weltweit führenden Marken mit unseren Server- und Storagelösungen. Zu unseren Kunden zählen: