What offers you NAS (NFS) Failover?
Broadberry Storage Solutions
We are aware that every kind of hardware, superior connection, or any node - even when we talk about high-tech solutions - is not indestructible and has its own limits.
It also is still vulnerable to power shortages, communication and equipment faults, fire incidents, maintenance problems or just human error. To reduce risk, Broadberry offer one of the most useful safety tools in our CyberStore DSS range- NAS (NFS) Failover. This feature is a highly advanced piece of software which is responsible for the safety of all your data and your peace of mind.
NAS (NFS) Failover is based on two nodes of active-passive configuration. It may be one cluster that is distributed between two locations. Once configured, all data written to the primary server are mirrored to a secondary server. In short, it means that in a data loss situation - on primary server (one of two mentioned nodes) - Open-E DSS V6 automatically switches operation to the secondary server. NFS locks are also reassigned to the secondary server after the primary server fails. Complicated? Perhaps. Effective? Certainly!
All you need - of course - is two CyberStore DSS Storage Servers. Such configuration is usually based on nodes deployed in two locations. Furthermore, for increased safety the hardware is often distributed among two fire protection areas.
For one, you are ensuring that all your data is safe. Secondly, in case of any doubt and questions, there is professional support which will wait on you hand and foot.
Alle Broadberry Server- und Storage-Lösungen durchlaufen vor dem Versand aus unserem Lagerhaus einen 48-stündigen Testlauf. In Kombination mit diesem Prüfverfahren sowie den hochqualitativen, branchenführenden Komponenten stellen wir sicher, dass all unsere Server- und Storage-Lösungen den strengsten Qualitätsrichtlinien entsprechen, die an uns gestellt werden.
Unser Hauptziel ist es, hochwertige Server- und Speicherlösungen zu einem hervorragenden Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis anzubieten. Wir wissen, dass jedes Unternehmen unterschiedliche Anforderungen hat, und sind daher in der Lage, unübertroffene Flexibilität bei der Gestaltung maßgeschneiderter Server- und Speicherlösungen anzubieten, um die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zu erfüllen.
Wir haben uns als einer der größten Storageanbieter im Vereinigten Königreich etabliert und beliefern seit 1989 die weltweit führenden Marken mit unseren Server- und Storagelösungen. Zu unseren Kunden zählen: