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Petabyte Storage Solutions

Enterprise-Class Petabyte Storage Solutions for Broadberry Data Systems.

As the demand for storage grows in both the consumer and commercial sector, companies are looking for new solutions that can affordably scale not to terabytes, but to Petabytes. We have established ourselves as a leading provider of petabyte storage solutions to businesses across the UK and the Unites States.

Just How Much is a Petabyte of Data?

To put it bluntly, a petabyte is a lot of data! Here's what a Petabyte of data look like in ever day figures.

20 Million Four-Drawer Filing Cabinets filled with text

13.3 Years of High-Definition Video

Size of 7.5 Billion Photos on Facebook

It would take 223,000 DVDs (4.7Gb each) to hold 1Pb

A petabyte of songs would last over 2,000 years playing continuously

What Does a Petabyte Storage Solution Look Like?

Some people find it difficult to comprehend a petabyte of storage, and just how it would look. Well with our PetaRack petabyte storage solutions, it's actually suprisingly 'ordinary' looking!

Here's how our PetaRack reaches a PetaByte:


Enterprise-Class 6TB SAS/SATA Hard Drives


U of Rack Space taken by 3x 4U JBOD Appliances


Header Nodes to manage the Enterprise Class Storage


Introducing the PetaRack, 1 PetaByte of RAW Storage in a Half Rack under a single name space or volume.

...with Virtually Unlimited Expadability


Who needs a Petabyte of Storage?

As the world's hunger for storage sharply rises year on year, more and more companies require petabyte storage solutions. Here at Broadberry Data Systems we're proud to supply some of the worlds largest users of data with our high performance storage solutions.

IP Surveillence

Backup Archives

Video Production

Web Hosting

Scientific Research


Our Petabyte storage solutions are completely customisable making them perfect for a wide range of uses, from cold storage to high-performance hot storage.

Our customers use a wide range of storage operating systems from open-source linux distributions to Windows and ZFS-based solutions, below is a basic comparison of the 3 most popular operating systems we supply our petabyte storage configured with.

JovianDSS Windows Storage Server 2012 Nexenta NexentaStor




Maximum storage Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum volume size Unlimited 256TB Unlimited
Operating System Architecture 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit
File System Architecture 128-bit 64-bit 128-bit
High availability
Active-Active iSCSI
Active-Active Fibre Channel
Active-Passive iSCSI shared storage cluster
NAS (SMB/CIFS, FTP, Secure FTP, HTTP, NFS v2, v3) (Single Mode)
Fibre Channel (Single Mode)
IP over Infiniband
Caching Native, tiered RAM and SSD Native, tiered RAM and SSD Native, tiered RAM and SSD
Thin Provisioning
Snapshots Unlimited 512 per volume Unlimited
VMware Ready
Citrix Ready
Hyper-V Ready

The uses of Broadberry's range of petabyte storage solutions are almost infinite, from the BBC archiving the programmes we grew up watching, to CERN using them to store big data collected researching how our universe was created.

In today's world, storage appliances are used in almost every aspect of our lives across all market sectors and industries. The flexibility and configurability of Broadberry petabyte storage solutions make them very popular in a wide range of markets.

The education sector is a very popular user of CyberStore appliances due to it's competitive pricing compared to Dell and HP and data deduplication feature that compresses data by up to 70%. We supply our storage solutions to all 10 out of the top 10 universities in the UK including Oxford and Cambridge as well as many colleges and schools.

Another big market for the Broadberry CyberStore® range is IP Surveillance, with storage requirement rapidly growing as HD cameras become the norm, the CyberStore DSS' renowned reliability, fast performance and high availability make it the perfect solution to store this data securely and cost-effectively.

Unser präzises Testing

Alle Broadberry Server- und Storage-Lösungen durchlaufen vor dem Versand aus unserem Lagerhaus einen 48-stündigen Testlauf. In Kombination mit diesem Prüfverfahren sowie den hochqualitativen, branchenführenden Komponenten stellen wir sicher, dass all unsere Server- und Storage-Lösungen den strengsten Qualitätsrichtlinien entsprechen, die an uns gestellt werden.

Unübertroffene Flexibilität

Unser Hauptziel ist es, hochwertige Server- und Speicherlösungen zu einem hervorragenden Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis anzubieten. Wir wissen, dass jedes Unternehmen unterschiedliche Anforderungen hat, und sind daher in der Lage, unübertroffene Flexibilität bei der Gestaltung maßgeschneiderter Server- und Speicherlösungen anzubieten, um die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zu erfüllen.

Vertrauen der weltweit größten Marken

Wir haben uns als einer der größten Storageanbieter im Vereinigten Königreich etabliert und beliefern seit 1989 die weltweit führenden Marken mit unseren Server- und Storagelösungen. Zu unseren Kunden zählen: